Calendars (and other files) missing from base packages

Ben Woods woodsb02 at
Mon Jul 11 10:40:51 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

I have noticed a number of files which do not seem to be part of the base
packages, and as such are not being updated on my system which is using
PkgBase. I realise the /etc config files are not included in base packages
yet, so I have excluded /etc from my investigation.

The files on my system which are in
/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/worldstage/ but have not been updated on my
system with PkgBase are:

The steps I took to create this list are:

1. Since I updated my system with PkgBase yesterday, I ran the following
command to find all files which have not been modified in the last 2 days:
# find / -type f -mtime +2d -not -path '/etc/*' -not -path '/usr/local/*'
-not -path '/dev/*' -not -path '/tmp/*' -not -path '/var/*' -not -path
'/usr/src/*' -not -path '/usr/obj/*' -not -path '/poudriere/*' -not -path
'/usr/doc/*' -not -path '/usr/home/*'  > ~/outdated.txt

2. I edited this file to add the prefix of
/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/worldstage/ to each line, and then searched
for which of the files also exist in worldstage (this command emits errors
for those that do not exist in worldstage, and only outputs those that do
exist to the new file):
$ cat outdated.txt | xargs find > outdated2.txt

3. Then I edited the file to strip the prefix of
/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/worldstage/ from each line.


From: Benjamin Woods
woodsb02 at

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