/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf being overwritten during pkg upgrade

Garrett Wollman wollman at csail.mit.edu
Tue Apr 26 17:44:13 UTC 2016

<<On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 19:12:42 +0200, Ben Woods <woodsb02 at gmail.com> said:

> One minor problem I have noticed is that each time I do a "pkg upgrade -r
> FreeBSD-base" it is overwriting /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf which I have edited
> to disable the default repository. My expectation is that configuration
> files should have a 3 way merge to maintain my local edits, rather than
> overwriting them.

Ben, I believe the official supported way to do this is to put your
changes into /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf instead -- whatever
is in there will override the files in /etc.


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