snapshot package versioning

Glen Barber gjb at
Sun Apr 17 01:41:48 UTC 2016

On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 09:28:05PM -0400, Nikolai Lifanov wrote:
> Hello,
> Can we remove the date from package
> versions please? The ${ABI} and revision
> describe which source was built and it's
> a bit odd that a package built before and
> after midnight has different versions.
> Another idea, if versions were in 0.s277777
> format, pkg could seamlessly upgrade that to
> 11.0 (when it is released).

The date was intentionally chosen for non-RELEASE builds.  However, you
can set PKG_VERSION however you want.

If you want to use the revision, you can do this with:

# make packages PKG_VERSION=`svn info --show-item last-changed-revision`


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