Recursive pkg-create including dependencies

soralx at soralx at
Fri Jul 10 13:35:07 UTC 2020

Hi, all.

 It wasn't that long ago that I recall last running a command to create
 a package for an installed port plus for all of its dependencies.
 So a command like
    pkg create -b <package> -r
 would result in a directory filled with .tbz's -- everything needed
 to run the application ('-b' because AFAIR the terminology included
 "backup"; '-r' for "recursive").

 Obviously, pkg-create does not do the job, and I found nothing in
 other man pages.

 Strangely, I just cannot remember the command or a tool that I used.
 Can someone help refresh my memory?

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN2000 Classic LT

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