Archives of last quarterly package builds?

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at
Fri Aug 3 10:17:14 UTC 2018

Van: grarpamp <grarpamp at>
Datum: donderdag, 2 augustus 2018 22:21
Aan: freebsd-ports at
CC: freebsd-pkg at
Onderwerp: Re: Archives of last quarterly package builds?
> > I've asked for this but the answer is
> > "no we don't do that..  and have no plans to".
> What is the rationale? Or is another model of pkg build,
> distribution, and archiving coming?
> It seems no more would be needed than
> - an update to release / handbook / mirror info noting their status
> as "final, to be removed [to archives] on date + timeframe", say 1 year.
> - simple sysadmin on pkg / web side as part of each quarter activity.
> - some storage space.
> - obviously they are the final builds of the branch, thus frozen.
> Anything else / prereqs missing to doing that?

I'm not involved in any pkg building, so don't take me too seriously.
Keeping archives also means keeping packages with security vulnerabilities. Why would somebody put that on the internet?


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