net-mgmt/nrpe-ssl : installing on an icinga2 host results in conflict

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Wed Sep 6 06:43:07 UTC 2017

On 06/09/2017 00:55, Ruben wrote:
> I'm running an icinga2 installation on a 11.1 system, it works well.
> Trying to install the check_nrpe binary (so the icinga installation can
> query nrpe checks defined on "clients") using pkg turns out to be a
> little troublesome though. When I try to install the nrpe-ssl package,
> pkg complains that there is a conflict between nrpe-ssl dependency
> 'nagios-plugins' and the installed package 'monitoring-plugins' :
>   - monitoring-plugins-2.2_2 conflicts with nagios-plugins-2.2.1_4,1 on
> /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_apt
> the suggested solution of removing the icinga server package is
> unacceptable in my situation. Since net-mgmt/icinga2 explicitly lists
> monitoring-plugins as a requirement, it seems a little strange as well.
> Does somebody have any advice? Am I trying to install the wrong package?
> Or should I perhaps file a bug report?
> Any feedback appreciated :)

This is a result of a systemic problem with the ports where there is a
lack of support for alternate dependencies.  (It's not pkg going wrong
per se: pkg has to work with what the ports gives it, and the ports
doesn't give it any way of dealing with this problem. Yet.)

The trouble here results originally from the fork between nagios and
icinga.  nagios has the nagios-plugins port, and icinga has the
monitoring-plugins port where the essential difference between
nagios-plugins and monitoring-plugins is what each depends on.
Unfortunately for many monitoring plugins, there aren't similar
duplicate ports -- one for nagios and the other for icinga -- in the
same way.  So despite the fact that the nagios plugins could work
perfectly well with icinga, you're going to run into this sort of

This really only affects the pre-compiled packages.  You can build the
net-mgmt/nrpe port yourself with the dependency switched to
monitoring-plugins by setting OPTIONS for the port.  Which is merely one
instance of a problem with the whole pre-compiled package setup in
FreeBSD at the moment.  There are a number of fairly important changes
to the ports in development that will largely solve this sort of
problem, but progress is slow and I can't say when those will actually
be implemented.

At the moment, I'm afraid your best answer is to build your own ports
with the options settings you require.



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