ports-mgmt/pkg wrong pkg version info when more repositories are used

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Thu Mar 16 00:49:29 UTC 2017


I have machines configured with more then on repository (two exactly) 
and "pkg version -vRL =" says "needs updating (remote has..." for 
packages which exists in both repositories but where installed from one 
which intentionally does not have newer version.
Should not this comparison be tied to repo from which the package were 

It sometimes show strange results:

python-3.5_2,2      >   succeeds remote (remote has 2.7_3,2)

Because we have installed Python from repo where 3.5 is the default so 
why pkg compares it with Python 2.7 from second repository?

Miroslav Lachman

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