pkg : Undefined symbol "openat"

Brad Davis brd at
Mon Jan 9 22:11:56 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 02:44:10PM -0500, Erdos New wrote:
> I'm still exploring freebsd,  and i still haven't got a good grasp on 'pkg' ecosystem.  on several instances, 'pkg' rendered entire system unusable after installing a package.  firefox, xfce DE, and 'x' windows all have been broken before by  'pkg update/upgrade'.    coming from Debian, i thought 'pkg' is equivalent to 'apt', but now i know better:  'pkg' is not 'apt', it does more to break system than anything else.  it does dependency check only on limited scale, and it does not install all needed dependencies. 
>  so why i haven't upgraded?  because i don't want to spend several hours to fix a system breaking by 'pkg' again.  i've freebsd11 running on two other computers and i dread to install any package with 'pkg', worrying my system will break by it.

Well pkg is realively young and constantly impoving and only getting better.

The longer you wait, the worse it will be.  And it will only be
compounded by you waiting and people forgetting about potential issues.

So please, upgrade and work with us when things are breaking.

Brad Davis

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