Is this expected behavior?

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Sun Jan 3 09:33:48 UTC 2016

On 03/01/2016 02:13, Paul Beard wrote:
> Installed packages to be REMOVED:
>         rrdtool-1.4.8_9
>         subversion-1.9.3_1
>         serf-1.3.8_1
> Why is pkg removing *anything?* Why is the default behavior to remove
> ports? I have had to install subversion twice today after pkg decided
> I didn’t really need it.
> I avoid using pkg for this reason as well as the fact it can’t cope
> with specific config options I need, so I generally build from
> source.
> Why did it remove rrdtool? Does it not know that rrdtool is a
> dependency of cacti? Ah, I see now cacti was removed at some point
> when I wasn’t watching.
> Is there a switch for “don’t remove anything unless explicitly
> instructed to?”

In general terms you've told pkg to install foo, which depends on bar.
But you already have installed baz, which conflicts with bar.
'conflicts' usually boils down to 'tries to install files with the same
name' -- a lot of the time the things that conflict with each other are
different versions of the same package.  In your case, I think it was
git and subversion fighting over expat (possibly).

As a rule of thumb:

   * Make sure everything else is up to date before installing new
     packages, particularly if what you want to install has a complex
     dependency tree.

   * If you use non-standard options for ports and especially if you're
     modifying DEFAULT_VERSIONS then you have to ensure consistent
     dependencies across all your packages.  Which means you probably \
     have to build a few more packages than you first thought.



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