Suggestion to add build/revision number to "pkg stats"

Arto Pekkanen isoa at
Wed Sep 30 11:14:24 UTC 2015

On 24.9.2015 0:50, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 04:37:31PM -0400, mfv wrote:
>> I've tried to sync the ports tree and packages based on a date but have
>> not been able to identify one.  However, between a date and a build
>> number my guilt feeling is that the latter is the safer option.
> Not if I take the date of the last commit of the revision we use except that it
> won't work with portsnap but maybe we can find a trick there too.

Bapt, what you suggested would work perfectly.

Actually this is a better solution than what I suggested at first. Start of build date might be actually a bit off from the actual date of the latest revision used for the build.

So, the date of latest revision of the ports tree that was used to build a repository would be certainly the best option to include in pkg stats.

But for now I will keep using the to determine the start of build time, as suggested by Marek. I do realize now that the start of build time might be a bit off from the actual date of latest revision the build was based on, but still it is closer than what I've managed to determine thus far.

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