SOLVED: pkg version mismatch [succeeds port...]

Jeffrey Bouquet jeffreybouquet at
Mon Jun 1 11:38:20 UTC 2015

I noticed the ports tree here had net/uget 1.10.4_1 even after "svn up"... while
pkg upgrading installed 2.0.  "pkg version" (one of 3 ways) reported 
"succeeds port"... was about to post a question about pkg, but it can be fixed

cd /usr/ports/net/uget
svn revert . -R 

[found at stackoverflow]

[I've about thirty of so of those directories to fix up, for installed ports... it seems].

Wondering if the fix can be put in CAVEATS or something in the pkg version
man page... "for those using subversion..." 

also if ever a man page with many examples is crafted for subversion on FreeBSD,
that could be one of them.


cd /usr/ports
svn resolve .

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