pkg broken ...

Jeffrey Bouquet jeffreybouquet at
Sun Jul 5 04:23:44 UTC 2015

On 07/04/15 18:21, Jeffrey Bouquet via freebsd-pkg wrote:
> [wish list]
> Running portmaster or portupgrade as a front
> end of pkg would give a 'what is wrong' answer so I
> would not have to post
> .....
> Inspired by the problems this week at the freebsd-questions list
> ....
> More coders, probably...
> [/end of wish list]
> Current problem   (v11, latest pkg)
> ................................................................................
> /usr/local/sbin/pkg upgrade
> Cannot solve problem using SAT solver:
> require rule: package py27-wxPython30(r) depends on
>  a requirement provided by: wx30-Gtk2(r)
> .................................................................................
> It repeats 11 times, freezes at the 12th time.
> Already deleted several ports "cannot solve..." hoping that thirty or so
> iterations (port in the way of the command working) would restore
> functionality
> as I seem to recall it having done in the past.
> Deleted winpdb, as it seems the only one relevant to the error.  Did not
> change.
> _______________________________________________

Sorry to reply to own email, but for the record, the workaround which is
in process now that I maybe forgot (unstated above)... is

pkg install python27
[ two download sessions result, a preliminary and a secondary, 966 ports...]

which is [maybe] reinstalling a whole lot of ports including the
problematic one(s). 
At least it is downloading the files.
Remains to be seen if it will get past the SAT solver problem piecemeal
or not.

[ I run it with 'script' to maybe reinstall some of the ones it wants to
deinstall (quite a few)
in order to install those 966....]

Well, not-final result,  it has run 3 times so far, and silently exits
at about
490 out of 660 or so... starts over... may work eventually.   May not...

Not the principal BSD install here, so is not so urgent...

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