[CFT] SSP Package Repository available

Juan Ramón Molina Menor listjm at club-internet.fr
Tue Sep 23 08:24:10 UTC 2014

On 9/21/2013 5:49 AM, Bryan Drewery wrote:
 > Ports now support enabling Stack Protector [1] support on FreeBSD 10
 > i386 and amd64, and older releases on amd64 only currently.


I have updated my 10.1-BETA2 (i386) system to use the SSP package 
repository, together with the FreeBSD_new_xorg repository. It’s a modest 
set-up, with 390 packages. Force-upgrading was seamless and after a 
reboot all seems to work as well as before.

Two questions though: Can I keep this repository till we are informed of 
the switch to SSP by default? (that is to say: would it be timely 
updated as it is the case now?) Can I test the upcoming linux_base-c6 
packages with this SSP repository?

Best regards,

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