[worrkaround ] Pkg feature req. already exists some other way?

Jeffrey Bouquet jeffreybouquet at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 21 20:35:46 UTC 2014

>>>  See workaround below, after 
>>>   the latter four of these six quoted marks... 

        On Sat, 9/20/14, Jeffrey Bouquet via freebsd-pkg <freebsd-pkg at freebsd.org> wrote:

         Subject: Pkg feature req. already exits some other way?
      To: pkg at freebsd.org
      Date: Saturday, September 20, 2014, 5:10 PM
      I am accustomed to portmaster
      batching a large number of ports at the end of a
     ...  ... egrep -v
 '    someIGNport|someBKNport|someBIGport'    | xargs
    -J % pkg install % 
   Instead of a queue formed, 
   This will update 
   And the ports 
    will be left for next time. Proceed? 
     One of the latter(not found), inexplicably halts the pkg 
     command.   This takes a magnitude of time
     away from other tasks I usually
     schedule in the meanwhile.  
 >>>Or someone is maybe coding it into portmaster soon... or
 >>>>portupgrade, or has tested
 >>>>portupgrade in a manner that does work in that context. 

.... egrep -v 'someIGNport|someBKNport'  | sort | uniq | xargs -J % pkg rquery %do % |  lookat (or less or) 
pkg install port port port port port port port 
proceeds with way speedier than what I knew yesterday at this time.

I suspect though that it is not upgrading with packages the majority of ports which need upgrading, but it
woudl be nicer to have a message about each term sent to pkg, whether it found a remote package, or
recieved the port name and did not find a remote package.  Then one could pipe those results into a 
delay file or a portmaster/portupgrade file or an ignore-for-later file ...  etc

And that is only the first usage of that pipe, it maybe could be improved, 

...as well as the pkg-rquery 
man page maybe, with examples, which I used from "man pkg-query" as a template. 

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