Dependency graph?

Victor Sudakov vas at
Sat May 31 17:11:47 UTC 2014

Arthur Chance wrote:
> >>>
> >>> If there are multiple repositories, whose dependencies will be shown?
> >>> What is the choice determined by?
> >>>
> >>> See below for an example, when I specify a repository and when I don't:
> >
> > [dd]
> >
> >>>
> >>> Why is "FreeBSD" chosen over "sibptus" when there is no "-r" ?
> >>>
> >>
> >> No idea, but I'd guess it's because the default repo gets priority.
> >
> > Which repo is the default one and why?
> Again, I'm not an expert but I'd guess it's either an ASCII sort, so 
> FreeBSD comes before any lower case repo name, or whatever order the 
> repo files appear in the directories. I don't have the bandwidth to read 
> the code right now though. You could try renaming "sibptus" to "A" and 
> see if it takes precedence. Repo names seem to be entirely arbitrary.

Such things should be documented. 

I think all the multirepo thing is very incomplete and rudimentary.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
sip:sudakov at

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