"pkg upgrade" is trying to install phantom dependencies

Victor Sudakov vas at mpeks.tomsk.su
Thu May 22 05:47:33 UTC 2014

The same problem, a different view. Please see output below.
Who installed gettext and why? It's not required by any package:

[root at ftp ~] pkg upgrade -y
Updating repository catalogue
Upgrades have been requested for the following 5 packages:

        Installing gettext: [sibptus]
        Upgrading py27-subversion: 1.8.8_2 -> 1.8.9 [sibptus]
        Upgrading sqlite3: -> [sibptus]
        Upgrading subversion: 1.8.8_2 -> 1.8.9 [sibptus]
        Upgrading vim-lite: 7.4.265 -> 7.4.281 [FreeBSD]

The upgrade will require 9 MB more space

9 MB to be downloaded
gettext-              100% 2066KB   2.0MB/s   2.0MB/s   00:00
py27-subversion-1.8.9.txz           100%  525KB 525.3KB/s 525.3KB/s   00:00
sqlite3-                 100%  629KB 629.3KB/s 629.3KB/s   00:00
subversion-1.8.9.txz                100% 2138KB   2.1MB/s   2.1MB/s   00:00
vim-lite-7.4.281.txz                100% 4643KB   1.5MB/s   1.3MB/s   00:03
Checking integrity... done
[1/5] Installing gettext- done
[2/5] Upgrading py27-subversion from 1.8.8_2 to 1.8.9... done
[3/5] Upgrading sqlite3 from to done
[4/5] Upgrading subversion from 1.8.8_2 to 1.8.9... done
[5/5] Upgrading vim-lite from 7.4.265 to 7.4.281... done
[root at ftp ~] pkg info -r gettext
[root at ftp ~]
[root at ftp ~] pkg autoremove
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages:


The deinstallation will free 9 MB

Proceed with deinstalling packages [y/N]: y
[1/1] Deleting gettext- done
[root at ftp ~]

Why does pkg bother to install gettext at all?

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
sip:sudakov at sibptus.tomsk.ru

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