Package building schedule and postfix-tls

Bruce Cran bruce at
Tue May 13 03:30:46 UTC 2014

On 5/12/2014 9:21 PM, Bruce Cran wrote:
> I've just installed a new server with 10.0 and am setting it up (which 
> is _so_ much easier with pkgng!) - but I realised the default version 
> of postfix doesn't have TLS support, and I need postfix-tls instead 
> (which is in ports, but not available as a package yet). I think I 
> read that packages get built weekly, but is there anywhere I can go to 
> check when the next set will be built, or are they always built on a 
> certain day?  If possible I'd like to know when I'll be able to 
> install the new package.

Just found the answer in the original announcement 

"Packages are built weekly from a snapshot of the Ports Collection every 
Wednesday morning 01:00 UTC. They typically will be available in the 
repository after a few days."


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