poudriere and list of ports to build

Victor Sudakov vas at mpeks.tomsk.su
Fri Jun 6 04:25:22 UTC 2014

Matthew Seaman wrote:
> > poudriere-devel does not create the nice HTML page, I think I am
> > missing it. How do I enable it?
> poudriere-devel puts its web root in a different location.  There's an
> example nginx.conf in /usr/local/share/examples/poudriere

I dislike the new setup. Previously, I had the /logs location
protected by a password while all the rest (including the repository)
was world readable.

Now I don't know how to achieve this.

> Note that if you're using the poudriere output directly as a package
> repository, you'll need to tweak that a bit. Hint: everything pkg(8)
> wants from a pkgrepo is currently a .txz file. (I think the idea with
> the example is that your pkgrepo is either a separate vhost in your
> webserver config, or you copy the compiled packages and repo-metadata
> stuff to another server.)

I have placed the repository into a separate location:

        location /packages {
                alias /var/poudriere/data/packages ;
                autoindex on;

        location /data { ...

It works. But I still cannot figure out how to make the whole site
password-protected except the packages repository.

> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
sip:sudakov at sibptus.tomsk.ru

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