PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package

A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven freebsd at
Mon Dec 29 12:59:40 UTC 2014

[Removed CC to freebsd-stable@]

vermaden wrote:

> I wanted to add 'mozjpeg' package, but PKG wants to remove a lot of other
> packages in that process, any explanation for that?

It's just an educated guess, but I suspect that graphics/mozjpeg conflicts
with graphics/jpeg, against which all your other packages have been built.

If that's indeed the case, it should be possible to *replace* the latter
with the former, something like "portmaster -o". But I don't know off the
top of my head how to do that with binary packages.


Imbibo, ergo sum.
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