pkg-static: pkg-1.4.0.p.a11 conflicts with pkg-1.3.7 (installs files into the same place).

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Sun Aug 31 17:14:09 UTC 2014

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Matthew Seaman
<m.seaman at> wrote:
>> # pkg info -r pkg
>> pkg-1.3.7:
>>         pcbsd-utils-1394538598
>> Is this enough to cause the problem?
> Yeah -- that's enough to cause pkg-devel to be replaced by pkg.  Guess
> that's another port with a run-time dependency on pkg.

Thanks for the clarifications.  I have a few questions.

(1)  Is it wrong for a port to explicitly specify a dependency on pkg?
 Should pcbsd-utils port be fixed?

(2)  How did I get a dependency on pkg-1.4.0?  Does the
FreeBSD_new_xorg repository depend on
      pkg-1.4.0 or pkg-devel?


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