Installing bacula-server with PostgreSQL 9.2
Steven Schlansker
stevenschlansker at
Fri Apr 11 16:50:18 UTC 2014
On Apr 10, 2014, at 11:14 PM, Matthew Seaman <matthew at> wrote:
> On 11/04/2014 00:22, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
>> On Thu, 3 Apr 2014, Steven Schlansker wrote:
>>>> The dependency on postgresql90 is "baked into" the compiled package, and
>>>> it is not possible to use that package with a different version of
>>>> postgresql. Apart from anything else, any binaries are linked against
>>>> the specific ABI versions of shlibs provided by the postgresql client
>>>> package. 'pkg set -o' is not an answer in this case,
>>> That?s very unfortunate! I would expect a binary built against libpq 9.0
>>> to work fine when linked with libpq 9.3, but can?t say that I know exactly
>>> how good PostgreSQL is about binary compatibility.
>> The PostgreSQL team is quite straight about it: there's no promises regarding
>> binary compatibility when you're changing important (in PgSQL case, second
>> number) version part; hence, whenever you're drifting from N.M to N.M+1 you're
>> basically forced to to dump/resore or replication. There were some exceptions,
>> but usually you should be ready to set up new server and then migrate your
>> database one way or another...
> In fact, the Postgresql project has now declared that point releases
> incrementing the minor (ie. second part) version number will not need a
> dump/restore any more. So long as you're using PostgreSQL 9.3 or above.
> Even so, this does not affect the library dependencies for the
> postgresql binaries. The requirement there is minimally that the
> library ABI version should not change. I don't know what their policy
> is -- either forwards + backwards ABI compatibility, or (like the
> FreeBSD project) forwards compatibility, so a program compiled on
> FreeBSD 9.0 will work on 9.1, 9.2 etc. but one compiled on 9.2 will not
> necessarily run on 9.0.
Replied earlier in the thread accidentally, but
leads me to believe they are compatible both ways.
> The pkg(8) system takes a conservative approach
> and forces you to install exactly the same versions as used for
> compilation. The new solver in 1.3 may allow some lattitude in this,
> but we don't have support for dependencies on ranges of version numbers
> yet. There's a GSoC proposal to implement that which we're waiting on a
> decision about.
That would be an extremely welcome feature :)
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