FreeBSD 12, pf, and Dual IP stack?

David Mehler dave.mehler at
Tue Jun 4 19:59:17 UTC 2019

Hello Kurt,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, an ifconfig on my vtnet0 interface does show the ipv6 address and
it has prefixlen 64 I'm assuming that's what your refering to? Can you
clarify your meaning about ipv6 aliases?


On 6/4/19, Kurt Jaeger <pi at> wrote:
> Hi!
>> I'm running a vps running FreeBSD 12 with pf as firewall. I've got a
>> public ipv4 and a public ipv6 address, the latter is not going through
>> a tunnel broker.
>> I can not wrap my head around ipv6 probably because I'm use to decimal
>> representations and ipv4 addressing. If anyone has a primer I would
>> welcome it.
>> With regards ipv6 I don't know if my address gives me one address or a
>> range?
> It gives you one IPv6 address, not a range.
> But as the netmask is /64, you can add quite a few ipv6 interface
> aliases to play with.
>> If a range what I'm wanting to do is assign that range to jails
>> running on a cloned interface lo1 so that each of them can have their
>> own ipv6 as well as natted ipv4 addresses.
> Yes, that might work.
> --
> pi at            +49 171 3101372                    One year to go !

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