Flow of broadcast/multicast packets in pf when a bridge is present

Andreas Longwitz longwitz at incore.de
Sat Dec 28 11:52:46 UTC 2019

In the meantime I have understand I was wrong about the code snippet

>    mc2 = m_dup(m, M_NOWAIT);
>    if (mc2 != NULL) {
>       /* Keep the layer3 header aligned */
>       int i = min(mc2->m_pkthdr.len, max_protohdr);
>       mc2 = m_copyup(mc2, i, ETHER_ALIGN);
>    }
>    if (mc2 != NULL) {
>       mc2->m_pkthdr.rcvif = bifp;
>       (*bifp->if_input)(bifp, mc2);
>    }

My mistake concerned the function call m_copyup(): The mbuf chain is
copied correct and not shortened, I was confused because of the field
m_len in mc2. So reinjecting the packet in the bridge is ok.

Another aspect is what is done next with the broadcast/multicast packet
handled by this code:

>  /* Return the original packet for local processing. */
>  return (m);

Therefore local processing on the member interface is done for
broadcast/multicast packets without checking the pfil_local_phys
variable. That was confusing me because these packets are counting twice
in the pf rules. I think this is needless and pfil_local_phys should
respect all packets not only unicast.

After introducing the patch

--- if_bridge.c.iorig    2019-05-14 09:43:33.000000000 +0200
+++ if_bridge.c 2019-12-28 11:54:52.000000000 +0100
@@ -2386,6 +2386,10 @@
                  (*bifp->if_input)(bifp, mc2);

+         if (!pfil_local_phys ) {
+                 m_freem(m);
+                 return (NULL);
+         }
          /* Return the original packet for local processing. */
          return (m);

everything works fine and all the counters in pf have values as expected
(I use state-policy if-bound).


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