Specifying a range of ipv6 addresses?

Mark Raynsford list+org.freebsd.pf at io7m.com
Tue Oct 10 16:38:09 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-10T16:11:23 +0000
Mark Raynsford <list+org.freebsd.pf at io7m.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> What is the syntax for specifying a range of IPv6 addresses in rules?

Naturally, I didn't find the answer until I asked the question. The
syntax I was looking for is:

pass out log quick on $nic_ppp inet6 proto tcp \
  from 2001:db8:8:10:: - 2001:db8:8:10:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff \
  to any port 80 modulate state

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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