Invalid queue upload statistic

David S. david at
Fri Mar 18 16:38:46 UTC 2016

Dear All,

This is my first post, my name is David and I'm currently developing
FreeBSD as a BGP router and traffic shaper for my network.

I already setup PF + ALTQ and working great, the bandwidth speed is match
with my queue rule but the problem is the queue upload statistic. Before
continuing the story please review my pf.conf below:


set limit states 10000000
set limit  frags 10000000
set limit src-nodes 5000000
set limit table-entries 20000000

coba_net="{, }"

altq on igb0 hfsc bandwidth 1000Mb queue {default_up,coba_up}
altq on igb1 hfsc bandwidth 1000Mb queue {default_down,coba_down}

queue coba_up bandwidth 2Mb qlimit 900 hfsc (realtime 2Mb, upperlimit 3Mb)
queue coba_down bandwidth 2Mb qlimit 900 hfsc (realtime 2Mb, upperlimit 3Mb)

pass quick on igb1.100 from $coba_net to any queue coba_down
pass quick on igb0 from $coba_net to any queue coba_up


The problem is queue upload statistic is invalid and the queue download
statistic is normal or match with my real bandwidth usage. I already do
test using or upload and download file from my server to my
another server on AWS and the bandwidth is match with my queue setup.

For an example, I try to upload some file to my server on AWS and the real
bandwidth usage is 4.5Mbps and here is the result from the iftop comparing
to pfctl -s queue -vv:

TX:             cum:   10.9MB   peak:   6.13Mb  rates:   4.59Mb  5.10Mb
RX:                     180KB            100Kb           75.3Kb  84.3Kb
TOTAL:                 11.0MB           6.23Mb           4.66Mb  5.18Mb

queue  coba_up on igb0 bandwidth 2Mb qlimit 900 hfsc( realtime 2Mb
upperlimit 3Mb )
  [ pkts:       1606  bytes:     242657  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0
  [ qlength:   0/900 ]
  [ measured:     8.8 packets/s, 9.38Kb/s ]

But the download queue statistic is normal, please see below:

TX:             cum:    770MB   peak:   79.2Kb  rates:   61.5Kb  59.6Kb
RX:                    36.8MB           2.84Mb           2.83Mb  2.83Mb
TOTAL:                  806MB           2.91Mb           2.89Mb  2.89Mb

queue  coba_down on igb1 bandwidth 2Mb qlimit 900 hfsc( realtime 2Mb
upperlimit 3Mb )
  [ pkts:      37847  bytes:   30114656  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0
  [ qlength:  32/900 ]
  [ measured:   248.4 packets/s, 3Mb/s ]

Please help or give me some information to fix this problem, if any
information need please let me know.

Best regards,
David Suhendrik.
e. david at
w. <>

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