Controlling P2P with PF

Odhiambo Washington odhiambo at
Tue Jan 20 19:36:27 UTC 2015

On 20 January 2015 at 07:14, Darren Pilgrim <list_freebsd at>

> On 1/19/2015 8:06 AM, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> So I found this link while trying to figure out of PF can control P2P -
>> ttp://
>> I tried using it, but I could still download using utorrent from my
>> network.
>> Does this mean I am beating a dead horse, or I have my filter rules in bad
>> order or something I am missing?
> Yes, you're beating a dead horse.  A torrent client will use any open port
> it can get, and the stuff you really do want to stop runs the torrent over
> SSL (i.e., you can't tell it apart from HTTPS traffic). All you can do is
> rate-limit the bandwidth hogs, then deal with people upset about poor
> streaming video performance.
Hi Darren,


Looking at my pf.conf, is there something you see wrong if squid and PF are
on the same machine (gateway)?

I am having weird issues with squid complaining that it detects loops. I am
running it in intercept/transparent mode.

PS: Was IPFilter removed from FreeBSD-10.1 ?

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

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