synproxy on out rule

Richard Kojedzinszky krichy at
Tue Dec 16 13:10:38 UTC 2014

Dear pf gurus,

I am going to setup a redundant pf+carp setup as described, and found that 
with my simple pf.conf the tcp sessions are not proxied well with pf. I am 
using bsd router project, which is freebsd based. My simple pf.conf:

scrub all

set skip on {lo0, re0}

#pass in quick on { re0 }

pass out quick proto {icmp, icmp6, ospf}

pass quick on { re2 } keep state (no-sync)

pass quick on { re1 } proto carp keep state (no-sync)

anchor out quick on { re1 } {
     pass quick proto tcp from any to any port {22, 5001} synproxy state
     block drop log

If i reorder the rules so that the synproxy state line matches on an "in" 
rule, proxying works, but for me it seems with "out" rules it does not.

Or I do something wrong.

It is 10.1-RELEASE.

Any advice?

Kojedzinszky Richard

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