Get RID of the multi threading patch in FreeBSDs version of PF

Jim Thompson jim at
Sat Dec 6 06:13:19 UTC 2014

> On Dec 5, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Martin Hanson <greencoppermine at> wrote:
> I am not a coder,


> Keep the multi threading patch and PF will eventually be gone from FreeBSD!

May be an OK outcome, actually. The two will continue to diverge. People who want the PF from OpenBSD can just find (pay?) someone to bring it in, maybe call it opf. The hooks are all there. 

Not saying if the 'o' stands for open or old. 

Not sure that "pf" deserves a title of "the best", either.  It's pretty hacky in places.  It's got more knobs than The Citadel at matriculation. 

It's definitely got a huge architecture problem (or two).  

"Last match wins"... Who does that?   People who "code" before they think, that's who.  Even the OpenBSD people admit this was a mistake. 

IMO, PF (and CARP/pfsync) have run their course.  Time for something better. 


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