how access inside from outside when nat is done from inside to outside

s m sam.gh1986 at
Sun Mar 31 06:07:31 UTC 2013

hello guys

i am newbie in pf and nat and have some problem with it.

  i want to nat inside traffic to outside and when i ping outside from
inside, every thing is ok and nat is done perfectly. but when i ping inside
from outside, request packets are sent without any nat translation while
reply packets are anted and therefore outside system can not recognize
reply packets and do not accept them. this is example pf packets which are
received in a outside system when pings an inside system.

request packets:   src:> dst:
reply packets:       src:> dst:

is it a correct behavior or not? and if it is correct, it means that when i
configure to nat traffic from inside to outside, i can not access from
outside to inside systems? (in cisco router we can do it).

please let me know if i am misunderstanding.

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