PF RDR from LAN to LAN

budsz budiyt at
Fri Aug 31 07:49:38 UTC 2012

Hi folks,

I've little questions about RDR using Packet Filter (PF), I used IPF
(IPFILTER) before and success with this scenario.

extif = outside interface
intif = internal interface
public_ip =
client_create =, port = 6112
client_join =

for outside/internet
rdr pass on $extif proto tcp from any to $public_ip port 6112  ->
$client_create port 6112

That's rule success can forward from from internet to $client_create,
now other plan how to forward
$client_join to $client_create. I use this rule:

rdr pass on $intif proto tcp from $client_join to $public_ip port 6112
 -> $client_create port 6112

As far i know if $client_create created game host with port 6112 will
be translate to $public_ip with port 6112 too.
so I need to forward from LAN to $public_ip/6112 to actually who
create game ($client_create/6112)

pfctl -s state resulting:

client_create 6112 <- public_ip 6112 <- client_join SYS-CLOSED

Anyone help for this issue - Thank you


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