Lost in rules!

Daniel Hartmeier daniel at benzedrine.cx
Tue Mar 29 14:08:01 UTC 2011

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 01:16:32PM +0200, Leslie Jensen wrote:

> I'm also running
>  tcpdump -s 256 -n -e -tttt -i pflog0
> But I cannot see any of the outgoing packets getting detected by pf and 
> sent to the proxy.

You have logging enabled on the rule explicitely passing the
redirected connections:

  pass in log on $int_if inet proto tcp from $internal_net to $proxy port 8080 keep state

but subequently have another matching rule without logging:

  pass in quick on $int_if

Either add 'quick' to the former rule, or add 'log' to the latter rule,
then you should see establishements of forwarded connections on pflog0.

Also, you can run

  # pfctl -vvss

immediately after a connection attempt of a client. You should see
a forwarded connection in the list.

Other things to check:

Make sure IP forwarding is enabled

  # sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding
  net.inet.ip.forwarding: 1

and the interface names are (still) what you expect them to be

  # ifconfig

and pf is enabled

  # pfctl -si | head -1
  Status: Enabled for 19 days 06:45:57            Debug: Misc

and the rules are loaded correctly

  # pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

Is squid really listening on port 8080 (default is 3128)?

  # netstat -an | grep LISTEN
  tcp4       0      0 *.8080        *.* LISTEN

If this doesn't lead to any clues, I'd tcpdump tcp port 80 on the
internal interface, try to establish one connection, see if the
TCP handshake completes, if a HTTP request is sent, etc.


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