PFsync & RDR/NAT

Vilem Kebrt vilem.kebrt at
Sat Mar 19 12:11:33 UTC 2011

Dne 19.3.2011 9:46, Melissa Jenkins napsal(a):
> Hi Thomas,
> I wish it was that simple :(
> If I add it to the rdr I get an error loading the file:
>   rdr pass on $if proto udp from<napts>  to any port 53 -> port 53 keep state (no-sync)
> pf.conf:124: syntax error
Hi Melissa,
call me old school but keep state on UDP  ?
btw on rdr is no pass. - pass is to filter rules, rdr to nat rules :)
rdr on em0 proto {tcp,udp} from any to $my_ip port 53 -> $int_ip port 53
I'm using both protocols, 'cause when response is long, dns resolver 
will use tcp.

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