IPv6 config for PF

Mohacsi Janos mohacsi at niif.hu
Thu Aug 4 13:47:26 UTC 2011

On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Michael Proto wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Chris <behrnetworks at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm having a heck of a time trying to get PF to work with IPv6 on a
>> few FreeBSD machines, mainly regarding NDP and RAs. Does anyone have a
>> sample ruleset they can share
>> for a server system that has a few services exposed?
> I'm running pf w/ IPv6 on a FreeBSD gateway, not an actual server, but
> these rules might help you with your server as well (I also had a heck
> of a time getting all RA/NDP services working until I fixed this
> ruleset). The biggest gotcha for me was ensuring that link-local and
> multicast was allowed to/from hosts on my LAN.
> Here's a subset of what I had to apply in my ruleset:
> 6lan = "2001:1111:2222::1/64"
> table <v6local> { fe80::/10, ff01::/8, ff02::/8 }
> pass  in  quick on $lan inet6 from { $6lan, <v6local> }
> pass  out quick on $lan inet6 to { $6lan, <v6local> }
> As this my internal network, I allow all traffic here and then filter
> incoming/outgoing ports and whatnot on my WAN interface, but hopefully
> you get the general idea.

It can be slightly more strict: RA/NDP is using ICMPv6.
 		Janos Mohacsi

> -Proto
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