PF + load balancing over 100Mbit traffic

Maciej Wierzbicki voovoos-fpf at
Fri Dec 4 09:42:30 UTC 2009

Adam PAPAI wrote on 2009-12-03 09:19:

> Do you have any advice? Is it time to get a Layer 7 switch and do load 
> balancing with it? Or is it possible to do it in a PF way without a 
> Content Switch?

My advice is to use content switching via some 3rd-party software, for 
example HAProxy - perfect tool for rr/lb. I have webclusters set up this 
way, some of them handle even 200-250Mbps in peak. No problems. If you 
need any additional info, let me know.

*   Maciej Wierzbicki * At paranoia's poison door  *
*   VOO1-RIPE   *

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