state mismatch/connection issues

Sebastiaan van Erk sebster at
Sat Apr 4 02:44:35 PDT 2009


Thanks for the reply.

> try without "block out log quick on $ext_if from !$ext_ip1 to any" rule.
I have other firewalls with the same rule which don't show the problem.

> btw, is your firewall forwarding traffic or doing nat?
Actually it does neither, there is no need for the backend servers to 
access the internet directly.

> Can you show pfctl -sr and ifconfig output?

Looking again at the pfctl -s info output, I saw something which I 
missed the first time around:

State Table                          Total             Rate
   current entries                      668
   searches                        70482052          118.5/s
   inserts                          8153087           13.7/s
   removals                         8152419           13.7/s
   match                           10637818           17.9/s
   bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
   fragment                               0            0.0/s
   short                                  0            0.0/s
   normalize                              1            0.0/s
   memory                           2405587            4.0/s
   bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
   congestion                             0            0.0/s
   ip-option                              0            0.0/s
   proto-cksum                          510            0.0/s
   state-mismatch                   2276240            3.8/s
   state-insert                           0            0.0/s
   state-limit                            0            0.0/s
   src-limit                              0            0.0/s
   synproxy                               0            0.0/s

The memory limit is hit almost the same amount of time as the state 
mismatches. It seems that my limits were simply too low. I have 
increased the limits (states/frags) and will see if the problem is 
resolved now.

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