Pf, ftp-proxy and proftp running into a jail
Miroslav Lachman
000.fbsd at
Sun Oct 5 17:04:21 UTC 2008
David Marec wrote:
> hi,
> I am trying to get protftp running into a jail, avalaible from outside the
> host.
> First, i wrote rules to redirect ftp traffic from ext_if to the jail and to
> nat jailled traffic to ext_if.
> After login, the data connection keeps being closed in passive mode; the
> active mode is running well.
> then, i tried to use ftp-proxy, by adding the following entries into rc.conf:
> ftpproxy_enable="yes"
> ftpproxy_flags="-vv -R ftp.server.address -p 21 -b ext.if"
> and followed the tutorial i found on the openbsd website:
> But, i can't even connect to the ftp server.
> What is the right way to use ftp-proxy ?
Are you sure you need ftp-proxy?
I have ProFTPd in jail on private IP bidirectional NATed by PF 1:1 to
public IP with following rules:
binat on $ext_if from $jail_addr_1 to any -> $ext_addr_1
## pass incoming in to jails (from outside world)
## The filter engine will see the IP packet as it looks after
translation has taken place
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $jail_addr_1 port
## pass in/out (both directions) on jail interface (operations inside jail)
pass on $jail_if inet from $jail_addr_1 to $jail_addr_1
## passive FTP transfer - highports - for FTP in Jail (must use
MasqueradeAddress in proftpd.conf)
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $jail_addr_1 port 54000 ><
55000 keep state
And in proftpd.conf I have:
# If Jail has NATed local IP address
PassivePorts 54000 55000
( is public IP address on which FTP will be accessible)
You do not need 1:1 mapping, you can use NAT + RDR rules to redirect
just some port range in to you jail.
Miroslav Lachman
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