Personal firewall with two interfaces

Gregory Edigarov greg at
Tue Dec 9 08:11:12 PST 2008

Leslie Jensen wrote:
> Hello
> I'm running pf as my personal firewall on my laptop.
> I've got one ethernet and one wifi interface, both are configured 
> during boot.
> I usually make a change pf.conf where I change
> # ext_if="em0"
> ext_if="rum0"
> or vice versa.
> My problem is that if the "wrong" interface is active in pf.conf 
> there'll be some waiting for ntpd sshd and bsdstats to time out.
> I would like to configure pf so that both interfaces are treathed the 
> same, only one active interface at the time, but to remove the need 
> for a manual change of pf.conf at startup.
seems like you'll be done by using the rules without an interface pointer...

With best regards,
	Gregory Edigarov

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