Giving all hosts on network same bandwidth

Jon Otterholm jon.otterholm at
Mon Nov 12 07:47:49 PST 2007

Jeremy wrote:
> On Nov 12, 2007 12:01 PM, Rob Shepherd <rob at> wrote:
>> If the question is: "Can I assign all hosts on a network to a single queue?",
>> then YES.
> no, i dont want to assign each addresses to single queue or every
> addresses to more queues one by one,  is there solution in network
> address rules just like that
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employeehosts to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> altq on dc0 scheduler cbq bandwidth 10Mb queue { std, http, mail, ssh }
> queue	std bandwidth 10% cbq(default)
> queue	http bandwidth 60% priority 2 cbq(borrow red) { employees, developers }
> queue	 developers bandwidth 75% cbq(borrow)
> queue	 employees bandwidth 15%
> queue	mail bandwidth 10% priority 0 cbq(borrow ecn)
> queue	ssh bandwidth 20% cbq(borrow) { ssh_interactive, ssh_bulk }
> queue	 ssh_interactive bandwidth 100% priority 7
> queue	 ssh_bulk bandwidth 100% priority 0
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employeehosts to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> this example  qives employeehosts 15%  of total bandwidth but i want
> to give each hosts to same bandwidth ( for example i have 10Mb
> bandwidth and 20 hosts  iwant to give each of hosts to 512 K .if i use
> 10M in altq rules some hosts' have 9M bandwitdh and some have 1M ) .
> is that possible writing without all of ip addresses in rules
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee1 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee2 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee3 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee4 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee5 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee6 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> .......
> pass out on dc0 inet proto tcp from $employee20 to any port 80 keep
> state  queue employees
> this is silly
>> queue assignment is by pf rules; whatever you can match you can assign to a queue.
>> There is an example of matching whole networks and assigning to queues at the
>> bottom of
>> Rob
>> --
>> Rob Shepherd BEng PhD | Computer and Network Engineer | CAST Ltd
>> Technium CAST | LL57 4HJ |
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The easiest way to do this is to use IPFW+DUMMYNET. DUMMYNET has the
ability to dynamically create child-queues based on src-/dst-ip.

You can still use PF for all other filtering if you want to, just
compile IPFW with "default to accept" and add "option DUMMYNET". To do
this add this to your kernel config:

options DUMMYNET
options HZ=1000

A pipe config would look like this:

ipfw pipe 100 config bw 1Mbit/s mask dst-ip 0xffffffff

and the rule would look like:

ipfw add 00100 pipe 100 ip from any to

This would give any host on the a limit of 1Mbit/s
when downloading.


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