dynamicly adding labels/rules

Max Laier max at love2party.net
Wed Mar 7 17:02:07 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 07 March 2007 11:05, Frans Haarman wrote:
> I am also having some troubles with labels, it seems I can't add more
> then
> one label per anchor rule!
> DEVEL# pfctl -qa tun0-rules -s l
> 10.200.2 35 0 0
> DEVEL# echo 'pass in from any to label "10.200.4"' |
> pfctl -qa tun0-rules -f -
> DEVEL# pfctl -qa tun0-rules -s l
> 10.200.4 15 0 0
> DEVEL# echo 'pass in from any to label "10.200.2"' |
> pfctl -qa tun0-rules -f -
> DEVEL# pfctl -qa tun0-rules -s l
> 10.200.2 14 0 0

The problem is that you don't add to the anchor as you seem to belive, you 
*replace* the ruleset in the anchor.  I think you also want to use 
the "name/*" syntax to be able to add more than one ruleset to the anchor 
point.  Then you can issue commands like:

DEVEL# echo 'pass in from any to label "10.200.2"' | 
pfctl -qa tun0-rules/10.200.2 -f -
DEVEL# echo 'pass in from any to label "10.200.3"' | 
pfctl -qa tun0-rules/10.200.3 -f -
DEVEL# pfctl -vsA
DEVEL# pfctl -qa tun0-rules/10.200.2 -s l
10.200.2 14 0 0
DEVEL# pfctl -qa tun0-rules/10.200.3 -s l
10.200.3 14 0 0

> DEVEL# uname -a
> FreeBSD DEVEL 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:42:56
> UTC 2006     root at opus.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386
> So the label gets overwritten. Is this normal/expected behaviour ?

No, the *ruleset* is overwritten.  And: Yes, this is expected behavior.  
Anchors work exactly like the main ruleset.

echo "pass all" | pfctl -f-
echo "block all" | pfctl -f-
pfctl -vsr

No different from:
echo "pass all" | pfctl -a foo -f-
echo "block all" | pfctl -a foo -f-
pfctl -a foo -vsr

/"\  Best regards,                      | mlaier at freebsd.org
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | mlaier at EFnet
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