PF performance problems

Chris Buechler cbuechler at
Sat Mar 3 21:37:33 UTC 2007

On 3/3/07, Sergey N. Romanov <sr at> wrote:
> Max Laier wrote:
> > How do you test?  Are you by chance using abench (or similar) from one
> > probe box?
> I use bench software on another server.

That's exactly what Max is talking about - this is a very poor way to
test a web server, especially behind a stateful firewall, because
you're going to exhaust your ephemeral port range. It's not anything
you're going to see in real usage of the server, unless real usage is
thousands of requests per second from the same IP.

> With "pfctl -si" I can see that state-mismatch counter grow.

Likely because you're re-using ephemeral ports before the previous
state is closed, as Max suggested. A new packet comes in from the same
source IP with the same source and destination ports as a previous TCP
connection, but this one doesn't match the connection that already
exists in the state table because it's a new connection.

You should really find a better way to test your server, like using
multiple simultaneous probes or a single one binding to numerous
different source IP's. Either/or should eliminate your perceived
performance problem, and is a much more realistic test of the actual
load the server will see.

There are probably some state-related settings you could tweak for
this specific test, but someone else will have to chime in on that
because I don't know for sure. I would leave it as is and fix your


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