pf starts, but no rules

Kian Mohageri kian.mohageri at
Wed Feb 14 05:37:15 UTC 2007

On 2/13/07, Max Laier <max at> wrote:
> Does anyone have time to get something like this going for FreeBSD as
> well?

I tested out some solutions.  I'm not sure if this is what you guys were
looking to do, but NetBSD's solution seems fine.  I'm not thrilled about
using another rc-script to solve this issue, but I couldn't think of a
simpler/more elegant solution.

Diff is against CURRENT, and I don't currently have any boxes running
CURRENT, but I tested it as much as I could.  I'll get a box up to CURRENT
later to test other patches.

I couldn't decide what to pass in this initial ruleset.  Passing SSH seems
safe/smart, but surely not everyone will agree.

Sorry if this is way off :)

Kian Mohageri
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