Borrow in CBQ doesn't work

Mike Tancsa mike at
Thu Feb 8 15:45:13 UTC 2007

At 09:52 AM 2/8/2007, Marko Lerota wrote:
>Mike Tancsa <mike at> writes:
> > Really ? Which drivers ?  I found bge and em to be less supported and
> > slower than on FreeBSD.
>There are some issues with bge and em drivers (kernel panics and timeouts).
>You have complete discussion on freebsd-stable mailing list.

Yes, I know those threads for the bge, but its for pretty specific 
versions of the chips with specific media settings.  As for the em 
nics, the only timeouts I know of are on specific motherboard 
chipsets and might be more a general hardware issue than 
software.  Besides, some these NICs didnt even work in OpenBSD or had 
other problems.


>One cannot sell the earth upon which the people walk
>                                                 Tacunka Witco

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