why are pf-blocked ips 'leaking' thru to spamd?

Jon Simola jsimola at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 18:54:54 UTC 2007

On 4/27/07, snowcrash <schneecrash+pf at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Multiple tables in rules are tricky because they are not treated as
> > "sets" that can be arbitrarily compared (ie, IPs in table A that are
> > not in table B).

> so, *IS* there a way to accomplish that? namely, match against a
> boolean-composite of tables?

On OpenBSD, I use spamd-setup which does exactly that with the
whitelist/blacklist tables.

One could probably hack up a cron-able sed/awk/perl thingy to read
from 2 tables, mash up the contents however you wish, and fill a 3rd
table with the result.


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