Any ongoing effort to port /etc/rc.d/pf_boot, /etc/pf.boot.conf from NetBSD ?

Ari Suutari ari at
Sun Jul 16 20:19:35 UTC 2006


Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
> You claimed there was a hole. If you can't explain what it consists of
> ("thing X might get exposed prior to rc.d/pf due to the following
> sequence of events..."),

	On FreeBSD 6.1, run rcorder /etc/rc.d/*. You'll notice that
	pf is run after netif so if one is using only pf as firewall,
	there is a window between run of "netif" and "pf" where network
	interfaces are up but there is no firewall loaded. Adding
	pf_boot, which runs before "netif" would fix this, woudn't it ?

	Please correct me if I'm wrong here (that would be nice since
	then there wouldn't be any problem at all).

 > blindly sticking in pf_boot at some convenient
> place in the boot order is not guaranteed to solve more than it can
> break.

	I don't think I have been talking about blindly sticking pf_boot
	into boot order. I would only like to be sure that there *is* no
	hole. I have been suggesting about using pf_boot because it
	seeems to be the approach used in other bsds (well, I must admit
	that I didn't check how OpenBSD does it, but I know that there
	is somekind of boot-time ruleset there). I assumed that since
	the pf_boot solution is there possible problems with it had been
	ironed out on other bsds.

	Even Windows XP has boot-time firewall protection today - we
	don't want to be worse than them, do we :-)

		Ari S.

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