Multiple DSL lines, load sharing / shaping

Josh Finlay montarotech at
Wed Jan 18 04:17:59 PST 2006

> Is it even possible in PF?

I have no idea ;-)

> Are you talking about a webserver on your end and IP1 meaning an user
> from the internet? Or the other way around?

No sorry the other way around. IP1 is one of our lines, and by web server I 
mean any webserver on the internet.

> And are you using NAT?

Yes. I was hoping to implement a round-robin NAT as described by another 
reply to my original post. Providing it all works as I would like it to.

> That can be accomplished if you want.
> What do you prefer? "packet perfect" forwarding for maximum throughput
> on your uploads or stream friendly balancing - and perhaps better
> overall performance - for many users?

Better overall performance for end users. There is a network of 30 
workstations, all in active use about 16hrs of each day.

> Have you ever considered multilink ppp?

multilink ppp? hmm that is definately something I may have to look into.
Infact from memory of waht I know about it, it could possibly be exactly 
what I am looking for.
Do you have much experience with multilink ppp that you could pass on before 
I jump in blindfolded and bring my whole network down? ;-)


Josh Finlay

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sten Daniel Sørsdal" <lists at>
To: "Josh Finlay" <montarotech at>
Cc: <freebsd-pf at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple DSL lines, load sharing / shaping

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