My problem of pf rule

yayj yayjsir at
Sun Dec 11 19:59:50 PST 2005

Travis H. 写道:

>>let's put aside the subnet routing env.s the int are in and the routing
>>table of host is like this, if the dest IP of packet is in <set0> then
>>it's forwarded to em0, if is in <set1> then em1. I turn on NAT on em0.
>>there are two questions left:
>>1. I wanna employ a flow control for the two fxp int on em0 other than.
>>cuz NAT is applying on em0, I can't describe the flow of the two fxp int
>>using 'on em0' respectively. I describe them on their source int like this:
>>pass in on fxp0 inet from <fxp0_ip> to <set0> queue queue0
>>pass in on fxp0 inet from <fxp1_ip> to <set1> queue queue1
>What's "a flow control"?  I don't see why you can't specify "on em0",
>even when NAT is in use.
sorry, I made a mistake here. that means "traffic shaping".
the src ip of all packets outgoing em0 is (em0).pf_faq says that.

>>2. The host itself may also send data by em0 using the IP of em0, how
>>can I describe this flow? Using cbq(default) or whatever?
>How about:
>pass out on em0 from (em0) to any
you mean "pass out on em0 from (em0) to any queue qself"? that's not 
all packets attempting to go out via em0 have the same src ip, (em0), 
including these from <fxp0_ip> and <fxp1_ip>.

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