Can PF do Cone NAT ?

Gee Jay geejay at
Wed Dec 7 11:48:39 PST 2005

Benjamin Constant wrote:

> I'm maybe wrong but did you try with the static-port option on your nat
> rules?

Thanks, I overlooked that option. I conclude from the IP state table that
PFSense firewall did not use that option. As far as I understand, the
static-port option would cause problems for other machines behind the NAT
who run the same services. So there would have to be different NAT options
for different port-ranges, if one wanted to follow this path.

Another solution I see is to put our Asterisk (VOIP) server on a 1:1 NAT and
give it an extra external IP on the firewall.

thanks again for your suggestion.


TI Automotive
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-pf at > [mailto:owner-freebsd-pf at]
On Behalf Of Gee Jay
> Sent: mardi 6 décembre 2005 21:09
> To: freebsd-pf at
> Subject: Can PF do Cone NAT ?
> > Dear Gentlemen,
> > I am struggling to set up NAT / Port redirection on a PFSense > firewall
(which uses PF) for the SIP Protocol or rather its > RTP media streams.
> > By all appearances the NAT in PF seems to work as a symmetric > NAT
which causes SIP in certain cases to fail.
> > The VOIP provider in question uses on his side several media > boxes
with their own IPs to stream the RTP Media via UDP. My > understanding of
the problem is that the NAT in PF uses a > different NAT port for each
public destination IP so that the > media boxes talk back to "dead" ports on
the NAT.
> Whereas in the cone NAT only one port irrespectively of the > external IP
> > > For further explanations regarding the problem see here:
> or here
> > My basic question is: Can PF do a cone NAT ? And if so, how ? > The PF
documentation didn't help me unfortunately.
> > Thanks for your help in the matter.
> > GeeJay
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