[pf4freebsd] Looking for pf @ FreeBSD documentation

Max Laier max at love2party.net
Wed Sep 15 21:03:08 PDT 2004

as some of you know, pf is now part of the FreeBSD tree as contributed 
software. This, however, is not documented in any non-manpage way, yet. Hence 
I write this, to initiate such documentation and hope for your help in 
creating such.

For a start, it'd be great to have an article to explain about pf and give 
pointers how to get started with it. A tutorial which explains how to setup a 
simple dial-up ppp + NAT firewall would also be great (as I believe that the 
pf in-kernel NAT is more than an alternative to the existing options). There 
are such documents available for OpenBSD already, most noteable the PF FAQ on 
the OpenBSD homepage. The copyright for this document have been clarified by 
a recent commit:
which makes it a prime candidate for reference. Thanks to Nick Holland and 
Joel Knight for this! They asked for permission to use FreeBSD changes to the 
documentation, which is common sense imo and should not be a problem. More 
links to (OpenBSD) documentation are available from:

Q: What version to document?
A: At the moment we are still level with OpenBSD 3.4, but an update to OpenBSD 
   3.5 will happen in a bit. As it should take some time to get documentation 
   ready I think documenting 3.5 would be best. There will be some quirks with 
   the interface handling, which I will explain in detail once we have patches 

Q: While writting I found that XYZ is strange, can you change it?
A: By all means, yes! Writting documentation helps to find bugs and strange 
   stuff in the implementation (rc.d e.g.). If you find such things please 
   take them to me, or the lists (see CC list).

Q: What about ALTQ?
A: Work is in progress ... but nothing final yet. I consider documenting the 
   ability of pf in that area helpful to advocate an ALTQ import ;) And even 
   if it does not get imported into the base system, there will always be 
   external patches to support the releases.

Q: ???
A: Bring additional question to me, or follow-up to this thread. I am not 
   subscribed to -doc so please CC me on what is going on there. I did choose 
   not to write the doc myself, as I am not a native speaker and neither much 
   of an admin, so I have a somewhat limited view on pf. Also this is a good 
   way to get more eyes on pf and to improof the general infrastructure.
   With *your* help!!!

Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks in advance!

(BCC'ed -current, thread is supposed to life in -doc or the pf4freebsd list).

Best regards,				| mlaier at freebsd.org
Max Laier				| ICQ #67774661
http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/	| mlaier at EFnet

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