[pf4freebsd] Re: Carp ported on FreeBSD.

Max Laier max at love2party.net
Wed Sep 15 21:01:52 PDT 2004

On Monday 23 February 2004 20:02, DrumFire wrote:
> Hi,
> this morning i've seen that also device carp was ported to FreeBSD.
> My ask is: Which are reasons to port carp device into FreeBSD?
> FreeBSD users can use /usr/ports/net/freevrrpd to make a
> HighAvailab-FailOver solutions with pf/pfsync, or it's better
> use CARP device? What's the difference between this 2 implementations?

FreeVRRPd does not support IPv6 (afair). Loadbalancing is integrated into 
CARP already. CARP is in-kernel which is a matter of taste, but I prefer 
in-kernel solutions over userland deamons for things like this.

The differences set aside. CARP has the edge of active development at 
OpenBSD and direct coupling with pf.

N.B.: I didn't touch the carp stuff in a while, so I don't know if it 
works with current (or with current OpenBSD peers), but work will restart 
for sure.

Best regards,				| mlaier at freebsd.org
Max Laier				| ICQ #67774661
http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/	| mlaier at EFnet

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