PF strange problem.

mzk mzk at
Sun Nov 28 13:49:39 PST 2004

First sorry my English and sorry my other mistakes, but that is my first post in mailing list ever. :-)
Today i understood my pf doesn't work properly. For each host of my network i have 4 rules, 2 out (from int_if) and 2 in like:

pass out quick on $int_if from <peering> to $host queue peering_host_in
pass out quick on $int_if from any to $host queue host_in
pass in quick on $int_if proto { tcp, udp } from $host to <peering> port $ports
pass in quick on $int_if proto { tcp, udp } from $host to any port $ports

The problem is, that the first `peering` rule works like the second one -> it pass everything from anyone using the peering_host_in queue. If i comment it, the second rule works, but that's not the idea. So my international connection (the second rules) is overloaded and i could not make good QoS. I am using GENERIC with these options, added by me ->

# custom options;

# pf support;
device          pf
device          pflog
device          pfsync

# ALTQ options;
options         ALTQ            #alternate queueing
options         ALTQ_CBQ        #class based queueing
##options               ALTQ_WFQ        #weighted fair queueing
##options               ALTQ_FIFOQ      #fifo queueing
options         ALTQ_RED        #random early detection
##options               ALTQ_FLOWVALVE  #flowvalve for RED (needs RED)
options         ALTQ_RIO        #triple red for diffserv (needs RED)
##options               ALTQ_LOCALQ     #local use
options         ALTQ_HFSC       #hierarchical fair service curve
##options               ALTQ_ECN        #ecn extention to tcp (needs RED)
##options               ALTQ_IPSEC      #check ipsec in IPv4
options         ALTQ_CDNR       #diffserv traffic conditioner
##options               ALTQ_BLUE       #blue by wu-chang feng
options         ALTQ_PRIQ       #priority queue
options         ALTQ_NOPCC      #don't use processor cycle counter
#options                ALTQ_DEBUG      #for debugging

#options        IPDIVERT
options         IPSTEALTH
#options        IPFILTER

My pf.conf is abot 600 lines, so i will not paste it here. If you request it i can upload it somewhere. Thanks in advance and sorry for every my mistake!

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